How to get children to read (teens opinion)

Ok, so this is a big issue for most parents not only parents but schools. To get your child to read. There are so many reasons as to why the children refuse to read and there are also many ways to get them hooked on reading. It just all depends on the book. The overall concept of reading is to broaden their vocabulary skills and to have them more proficient in reading and how to use context clues. Children are more likely to read a book of their choice rather than one an adult recommends, why? because it's more interesting to them. That's the way to get them hooked on reading. Start off with books they would enjoy and start to increase the difficulty level until you reach the point where they are intrigued by books and can't stop reading. There are a variety of books to discover and it all depends on which the child prefers. In cases where parents are trying to help develop a child's vocabulary, they tend to for educational books that most of the time bores the child....