Drug Abuse.

I'd like to convey my concern about the rise in the number of drug users in our society. Despite widespread awareness of the dangers and negative consequences of drug addiction, the number of drug users in our society continues to rise. There are numerous reasons why people use drugs. Addicts usually begin out of curiosity, for enjoyment, or to break a monotonous pattern of life. Once a person begins to use drugs, there is no going back for them, and no matter how hard they try, they will not be able to break free from this horrible habit.

It's no longer the jittery adolescent venturing into a dangerous world. But it is the enraged adolescent who is venturing into an uncertain environment with no idea what to anticipate. The difficulties and stresses of modern living have been exacerbated by the world's rising population and incredible technological progress. Young people are increasingly succumbing to drug addiction as a result of their inability to cope with increased pressure and competitiveness in professional and personal arenas. It's a vicious cycle, with addicts suffering from melancholy, weight loss, mood fluctuations, a lack of interest in daily activities, sports, family life, temper tantrums, and so on. So, unless a true and wholehearted effort is made to help drug users, we are slowly but steadily approaching a day when drug addiction will be one of our global concerns.

Written by Alyssa Chin
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