New New.

The chapter of 2022 has closed and a new one has been turned. We all hope for better this year and truth be told I believe it can happen. 

Today we can choose how we proceed in our actions, tomorrow we can adjust the mistakes of today, and yesterday's problems are simply the past. It's all somewhat easier said than done but nevertheless we won't know if it's possible if we don't try.

This year I plan to take more risks, grow spiritually and leave those behind that only wish to see me sink. 2022 was hard but we made it, who would have thought? Never doubt that you can because the very impossible is very possible in this world. 

So take control of your dreams and don't allow others to dictate your future. I might not know who I will be in the Next year or two but what I do know is right now in this moment I'm happy. 

Here are a few things I found that will hopefully get me through a year filled with unknowns.
1. Trust your instincts, the least you can be is wrong.
2. Trust the process, accept the failures and keep pushing.
3. Love with an open heart, not a foolish one.
4. Give without expecting anything in return.
5. Go places with people that make you smile, laugh, and never dim your light.
6. Not every room is meant for you to enter.
7. Never lower your standards.
8. Forgive those who don't deserve it just the same and don't ponder on the hurt they inflicted. 
9. Slow down 2024 is months from now.
10. Make your today better than your yesterday's.

I hope this finds you well. 

PS. Hold on and get ready to kick 2023's ass. :)

Written by Aja' A


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