
You promised. Promise to never leave, these promises of empty platitudes I believed. These words I held onto but your actions proved my belief wrong. It was never truly about me, but always of you which I never complained about. However, now that I'm here cleaning your mess I wish I had said something. I try to hold onto you because I promised to never leave, but now that you have left, I wonder how much longer will I keep my word. You promised to try but like every word you utter, it is a lie and that’s why I never believe your words because your actions always prove me wrong.
You only want me when you need me. You have proven my inner demons right. Indeed they were when they said you would leave and come running back in times of trouble. Indeed I was to believe what they said was true. For you did leave, you left me...Ironically now that you have returned, you want me to stay. Making me state a promise after you broke me.

In life, people come and go, and we usually try to hold on to those whose time has passed in our lives. Most of us dislike change. However, change is unavoidable. Let go of the person who is holding you back. For they don't deserve your time or your energy. Be around people who can lift you up and who genuinely care about you. For you deserve better than to be treated like a slave by an oppressive person.” This knowledge I impart to you in order to save you from the difficulties I encountered.

Written by Athalia 
Photo Credits (Luiksan Surrealisme)


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